Jupyter on your system: Commands, directories, files

The jupyter command

Jupyter applications are started with commands like jupyter notebook. The jupyter command is primarily a namespace for subcommands: a command like jupyter-foo found on your PATH will be available as a subcommand jupyter foo.

The jupyter command can also do a few basic things itself:

--help, -h

Show help information, including available subcommands.


Show the location of the config directory.


Show the location of the data directory.


Show the location of the data directory.


Show all Jupyter directories and search paths.


Print directories and search paths in machine-readable JSON format.

Jupyter directories

Jupyter stores different files (i.e. configuration, data, runtime) in a number of different locations. Environment variables may be set for each location.


Config files are stored by default in the ~/.jupyter directory.


Set this environment variable to use a directory, other than the above default, for Jupyter config files.

Besides the main user config directory mentioned above, Jupyter has a search path of additional locations from which config will be loaded. Here’s a table of the locations:

Unix Windows
Config directory

Data files

Jupyter uses a search path to find installable data files, such as kernelspecs and notebook extensions. When searching for a resource, code will stop searching the search path at the first directory where the resource is contained.

Each category of file in here is in a subdirectory of each directory of the search path. E.g. kernel specs are in kernels subdirectories.


Set this environment variable to provide extra directories for the data search path. It should be a series of directory paths, separated by os.pathsep (i.e. ; on Windows, : on Unix). Directories given in JUPTYER_PATH are searched first.

Linux (& other free desktops) Mac Windows
(respects $XDG_DATA_HOME)
~/Library/Jupyter %APPDATA%\jupyter

Runtime files

Things like connection files, which are only useful for the lifetime of a specific process, have their own directory.

On Linux and other free desktop platforms, these runtime files are stored in $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/jupyter by default. On other platforms, it’s a runtime/ subdirectory of the user’s data directory (second row of the table above).

An environment variable may also be set:


Set this to override where Jupyter stores runtime files.

See also

The Python API to locate these directories.
The jupyter command
Locate these directories from the command line.