
Jupyter Projects

Project Jupyter is developed as a set of subprojects. This section describes the subprojects with links to their documentation or GitHub repositories.

Jupyter User Interfaces

The Jupyter user interfaces offer a foundation of interactive computing environments where scientific computing, data science, and analytics can be performed using a wide range of programming languages.

Jupyter Notebook
Web-based application for authoring documents that combine live-code with narrative text, equations and visualizations. Documentation | Repo
Jupyter Console
Terminal based console for interactive computing. Documentation | Repo
Jupyter QtConsole
Qt application for interactive computing with rich output. Documentation | Repo


Kernels are programming language specific processes that run independently and interact with the Jupyter Applications and their user interfaces. IPython is the reference Jupyter kernel, providing a powerful environment for interactive computing in Python.

interactive computing in Python. Documentation | Repo
interactive widgets for Python in the Jupyter Notebook. Documentation | Repo
lightweight parallel computing in Python offering seamless notebook integration. Documentation | Repo

See also

Jupyter kernels

A full list of kernels available for other languages. Many of these kernels are developed by third parties and may or may not be stable.

Formatting and Conversion

Notebooks are rich interactive documents that combine live code, narrative text (using markdown), visualizations, and other rich media. The following utility subprojects allow programmatic format conversion and manipulation of notebook documents.

Convert dynamic notebooks to static formats such as HTML, Markdown, LaTeX/PDF, and reStrucuredText. Documentation | Repo
Work with notebook documents programmatically. Documentation | Repo


Jupyter Notebooks offer exciting and creative possibilities in education. The following subprojects are focused on supporting the use of Jupyter Notebook in a variety of educational settings.

tools for managing, grading, and reporting of notebook based assignments. Documentation | Repo


To serve a variety of users and use cases, these subprojects are being developed to support notebook deployment in various contexts, including multiuser capabilities and secure, scalable cloud deployments.

Multi-user notebook for organizations with pluggable authentication and scalability. Documentation | Repo
Store notebooks on Google Drive. Documentation | Repo
Share notebooks as static HTML on the web. Documentation | Repo
Create temporary, transient notebooks in the cloud. Documentation | Repo
Deployment tools for tmpnb. Documentation | Repo
Deploy notebooks for ‘jupyterhub’ inside Docker containers. Documentation | Repo
Stacks of Jupyter applications and kernels as Docker containers. Documentation | Repo


The Jupyter architecture relies on these projects’ specifications and implementation.

The specification of the Jupyter message protocol and a client library in Python. Documentation | Repo
Core functionality and miscellaneous utilities. Documentation | Repo